An Important Message for Starseeds for the Year of Transition 2021
P’TAAH through Marcela
Message from P’TAAH through Marcela 1/1/2021
I AM P’Taah. I am a Master in the Pleiadean Council.
The connection with the Pleiadeans is important for starseeds for we can provide you with much guidance during these trying times. What the world is experiencing at this moment with the degradation of the biosphere, the pandemic and the political and social unrest is hard on starseeds because you are empaths. You feel the pain and the suffering of your fellow humans and of mother nature due to these circumstances. You have a higher awareness and understanding of what is happening to the earth at this time and it is troubling to you. Often it can be challenging for your mental and emotional health. With
your sensitivities, you may feel you are unable to tolerate the third dimension; that life in this incarnation is simply too much to bear. How are you supposed to push forward in such trying and troubling times when the world seems to be falling apart and humanity does not seem to be advancing? We are here to say that although you are not erred in your assessment that these could be end times for Earth, there is much hope precisely because of YOU.
On December 21, 2020 there was an increased surge of spiritual energy that penetrated the Earth’s aura and its noosphere due to the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction. This event increased the spiritual consciousness of the earth as well as the collective consciousness. As a result, there will be a further awakening and openness to spirituality and an interest in personal healing particularly with the human suffering and troubled minds coming out of the pandemic. Hence, your presence on earth at this time is critical. You are here to elevate the spirituality of the planet with your knowledge, strength, love and light during this important year of transition 2021.
Here we will discuss three important ways that the spirituality of the planet will begin to rise.
Firstly, spirituality will begin to rise on the planet because of an increased belief that there is something beyond the third dimensional life experience. More and more on Earth are awakening to the fact that they are spiritual beings and believe in energies they cannot see and in past lives. More people are beginning to trust they have spirits who are guiding and protecting them as they move along in life. What we are speaking of goes beyond religion or believing in God. We are talking about humans opening their minds and hearts to understanding that they are connected to something larger and that they are surrounded by celestial beings who can communicate with them telepathically and who can support and guide them for their highest good. A further opening and awakening and acceptance of the spirit world as a guiding force for individual and collective well-being will emerge.
Secondly, there will be a further interest and openness to meditation. This is good news! There will be a deeper understanding that a higher consciousness exists, and that meditation is the gateway to this expanded state of consciousness. For it is through meditation that the connection to the Higher Self is strengthened and the ability to connect with spiritual and cosmic family members becomes possible. The connection with guides, teachers and masters who are here to assist individuals evolve and to help earth ascend. There will be a desire to return to God’s energy and to communicate with divine beings through meditation.
Lastly, there will be a continued openness and acceptance that Mother Earth is a sentient being. There will be a deeper understanding that Mother Earth suffers because of the unrelenting destruction of the biosphere and that something must be done to rectify this situation, or the planet will cease to exist. A profound grasp that humans must return to nature, must reconnect with nature and learn to live in harmony with nature will arise and a renewed respect and reverence for nature and the life she provides humanity will come about.
Due to this awakening, there will be a receptivity and an openness to your messages as starseeds in 2021. The goal for starseeds this year is to continue to raise your own spirituality so you can influence those around you. You as starseeds are learning more about your origins and the ways in which you as healers can save humanity and the planet. You are divine messengers, and you are here to enlighten those around you. You are here to bring forward messages to help expand peoples’ consciousness and to help bring forward more compassion and understanding for the world crisis and to encourage people to be of service in many different ways. You are here to inspire a desire for a higher spirituality in those who you meet. You are spiritual teachers. You are missionaries of love and light for those interested in learning more and for those still living in darkness.
This year you will witness an increased desire to help repair the destruction done to the earth by humans. You will see a human need to reconnect to the spirit of mother earth and to God energy for personal, collective and planetary healing. You will help identify other starseeds who are here at this time to save the planet. You will help empaths navigate their emotions during these troubled times. You will further enlighten those who have spiritual curiosity and who want to connect to spirit. You will function as teachers, guides, and missionaries for the word of God to help humanity move forward towards salvation. You have an important job, and we believe you are up to the task.
As enlightened and awakened starseeds there is much you can do. Continue on the path of self-love and self-healing and keep improving the relationship you have with yourself so you can be of service to those who need you and who want to learn from you. Continue forward as planetary healers for as you heal yourself, you help to heal mother earth. It is the greatest gift you can give the world. As you connect to your own personal light you are able to radiate that light outwardly and elevate the vibration of those around you. Your light inspires and influences those who meet you; it is infectious, and it is contagious. Those around you will be inspired to follow your lead, so continue to lead wisely. Lead with love and know that you are here now for an important mission and you are doing an excellent job fulfilling your calling.
We are so grateful for you at this time. You are courageous spiritual warriors with a deep cosmic history that allows you to take on difficult times with power and grace, so you can help those frailer. You bring strength, inspiration and guidance to those who are weakened by the stress of the times. You are very important. Know this to be truth.
Thank you for your service. I am P’Taah.